What is ReferralCloud? How to use the Referral Cloud platform.

Real Estate Agents can create a free account at https://TryReferralCloud.com

Todd and Oana give a walk-through of how to use ReferralCloud and getting more business through the referral cloud marketplace. ReferralCloud is a one-sided clearinghouse where real estate agents act as both sides of the marketplace (giving and getting referrals). Referral Cloud rewards real estate agents for placing referrals through the system by putting them in a higher priority for inbound referrals in their market. There are no up front fees and the agents pay at closing.

The ReferralCloud system is optimized to first reward agents who have placed referrals, and then agents who have successfully closed referrals. While this is a new platform, we are seeing agents sign up daily and so far most of the referrals placed on the platform have either closed or are in process still. This is not a “pay for leads” since there is no up-front fee for real estate agents to sign up or get referrals. Only the referral fee at closing. Referral Cloud pays the referring agents a 25% referral fee at closing and also rewards them with inbound referrals.

If you have questions about referral cloud you can contact the co-founders below.

Oana Sterlacci-Miller

Todd Miller

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