Mortgage Affordability Drops as Interest Rates Spike: When Will Homes be Affordable?

Home affordability as measured by mortgage interest rates dropped substantially as interest rates rose this week. The 30 year mortgage rate is approaching 7% as a payment on a median priced home is about $2,900. A median priced home purchased 4 years ago would have been about $1,600 a month. Mortgage affordability is not a factor for people who pay cash or put large downpayments on a home.

Expect home affordability to stay roughly the same most of 2023 as there are still mixed signals about the economy in general. Wages are up and unemployment is the lowest on record. Inflation isn’t under control yet and rents and home prices are starting to climb again.

Home will become more affordable as interest rates go below 5% which isn’t likely to happen until 2024. New home buyers are being pushed out of the market because of people paying cash for homes and people with large downpayments.

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