Loan Program that makes you a CASH BUYER: How to Beat Other Cash Offers

How to get your cash offer accepted on a house without having cash!!

A new loan program enables people buying a home to effectively be a cash offer. The program is called the “Buyer Accepted Program” and is offered by a national mortgage company. This allows buyers with home sale contingencies or getting a loan to pay cash for a house (without having the cash) and then close on the loan after the purchase happens.

A big problem of people who are buying a house with a loan is that they can’t get their offer accepted over a cash buyer. This program effectively makes the buyer a cash buyer, since the mortgage company buys the house for cash, and then closes the loan afterward. What’s more impressive is that this is offered in nearly all 50 states.

If you would like more information on this please email and we will put you in touch with the company that offers this.

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