Las Vegas Water SHORTAGE? Will Las Vegas Run Out of Water?

Will Las Vegas run out of water? Todd and Oana talk about the Las Vegas water shortage and whether or not Las Vegas could possibly run out of water and how this would affect the real estate market. Las Vegas has been subject to a drought for most of the last 30 years and Lake Mead has dropped to 50 year lows of water. There are also more than 10 Times the number of people living in Vegas than there were just 40 years ago.

One solution to Las Vegas’ water shortage is more water could be released from Lake Powell and the Colorado and less sent downstream from The Hoover Dam to California and Arizona. The other option is that there could be a building moratorium in Las Vegas or a restriction in the number of building permits allowed which would cause less people to be able to move to Vegas and would cause home prices to skyrocket.

If you have questions about Las Vegas please contact us.

Oana Sterlacci-Miller

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