What is Homesteading? Homestead Exemption and How To File in Nevada

How to file a homestead exemption and what is homesteading? Does homesteading protect again creditors? Todd and Oana talk about the homestead exemption and how to file in Nevada. Homesteading is a process where you record a notice that your home is your primary residence and allows a protection from creditors.

In Nevada the homestead exemption is $605,000 currently as of July 2021. Homesteading comes from an old west term which was a process to protect a home from seizure or government sale. The process has been codified into many state laws allowing people to simply fill in a form from their County or State recorders office and legally file an exemption of homestead. Texas, Florida, Arizona and Nevada are the most popular states for filling for homestead exemptions.

In Nevada a homestead exemption protects against most creditors, but not against IRS liens, Tax liens, HOAs, mechanic’s liens, alimony or child support to name a few. The exemption recently was raised from $550,000 to $605,000 which is a 10% increase.

Here is a fact sheet on the Nevada Homstead Exemption https://www.leg.state.nv.us/Division/…

Here is the Clark County Nevada Assessor page with the instructions and fee schedule for filing a Homestead Exemption https://www.clarkcountynv.gov/governm…

Here is a link for filing a homestead exemption in Texas https://comptroller.texas.gov/taxes/p….

If you have questions about real estate in Las Vegas please contact us

Oana Sterlacci-Miller

Todd Miller

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