21 MUST DO Things After you Buy Your House: First Month of Home Ownership
Contact Oana directly if you are interested in buying or selling in Las Vegas Oana Sterlacci-Miller 702-285-4207 broker@nvrs.com First 4 weeks of homeownership
Week 1
hookup utilities & internet
forward your mail and update your address with your employer, insurance companies, financial institutions, subscriptions, etc.
change your locks clean everything reset garage codes and any other access codes
set up your sleep and eating areas pet space: eating, hygiene, sleeping, safe
enclosed space check the age of the smoke detectors and/or carbon monoxide detectors
explore the neighborhood
Week 2
locate safety essentials: know the location of the attic door, circuit breaker, and water and gas
shutoff valves and make sure you know how to operate them in case of an emergency.
Make sure you have a working fire extinguisher near every cooking appliance.
start on DIY repairs: squeaky handrail or leaky faucet, check for loose screws,
replace burned out lightbulbs, etc and start making a list of the bigger items that may need professional attention or replacement.
create a cleaning schedule for indoors and outdoors
review your HOA/PUD rules and regulations again to be sure you understand what is expected of you scope out paint and decor
Week 3
energy efficiency check up: check your insulation, replace light bulbs with high- efficiency models, turn your water heater down to 120 degrees, install a programmable thermostat, replace air filters, fridge filters, make sure HVAC vents are free of obstructions, clean dryer vents, and close the chimney damper when not in use
check drainage and clear gutters make a list of helpful vendors so you know who to call when something happens: plumber, HVAC, handyman create an emergency kit: flashlights, clean water, and food to last at least 72 hours. And don’t forget the toilet paper!
buy a fireproof document safe for important documents like passports, automobile titles, insurance policies, etc
Week 4
Create a budget that includes 1% of your homes value for repairs and improvements
Create a seasonal maintenance schedule – chores like winterizing your home, aerating the lawn, trimming the trees, cleaning out the vents, etc